Eine neue Beta der endgültigen Version wurde freigegeben.
Wie bei allen Betas kann es auch hier noch zu Problemen kommen, daher Vorsicht bei Verwendung im " Produktiveinsatz " .
Opera 9.5 Beta Build 9841
... mmmh !?
Ostern mal wieder testen !
( immer noch besser als das Standard-Feiertags-Pflicht-Programm )
WARNING: These are development snapshots: they contain the latest changes, but they also have
severe known issues, including crashes and data loss situations. In fact, they may not work at all.
Acid3 fixes:
Windows specific:
Better performance with plugins.
UNIX specific:
Fixed crash when closing tab with Flash.
Several plugin fixes.
Ostern mal wieder testen !
( immer noch besser als das Standard-Feiertags-Pflicht-Programm )
WARNING: These are development snapshots: they contain the latest changes, but they also have
severe known issues, including crashes and data loss situations. In fact, they may not work at all.
Acid3 fixes:
Windows specific:
Better performance with plugins.
UNIX specific:
Fixed crash when closing tab with Flash.
Several plugin fixes.
LG, Lighty