Hallo AranankA !
... schwieriger Fall !
Habe mal Google ein wenig bemüht und folgendes gefunden !
How do I save my preferences (language, UI...) at the end of my session, when booting from CD? How do I restore them?
Go to the K-menu > KNOPPIX > Configuration and choose "save config", you can save to floppy or to an already existing partition on the harddrive. (on a windows partition is fine)
To restore it, at the "boot:" prompt type in "knoppix myconfig=scan", and it should find and restore your saved settings at boot time.
How do I use an USB memory stick to save myconfiguration?
A: First boot KNOPPIX with the memory stick inserted. Got to the KNOPPIX menu, Configuration, Save Configuration. When asked, choose /dev/sda1. When booting type knoppix myconf=scan home=scan at the boot prompt.